TROOPERS24 Student Motivational Letter

TROOPERS24 Student Motivational Letters

Since TROOPERS19, we decided to ask students to submit a motivational letter.

Some advice regarding the letters from last year. The people who received tickets clearly spent time thinking about their answers to our questions. They did not give generic answers like, "IT is cool yo", but really gave us insight into themselves and their vision for their future within the IT Security community.

TROOPERS24 Student tickets include free entry to our Main TROOPERS conference on Wednesday and Thursday, and our Roundtable discussions on Friday. If you have questions or need assistance you can always write us at

The process opens on April 2nd, 2024 and closes on April 29th, 2024. All students will be notified regarding decisions by May 6th, 2024.

Please submit your motivational letter. Please also include proof of your current Highschool's, Bachelor's or Master's degree status. This could be a valid student ID or an official letter from your university. Submissions that do not include proof of active student status will not be considered for TROOPERS tickets. Please send your student ID to if you are not able to upload it.

** As Ph.D. students are typically employed by their university, we cannot accept Ph.D. applications for free tickets. Ph.D. students can however book with our Academic Rate. **

By the way, ERNW and ERNW Research are the companies behind this awesome conference, and we are hiring! You can check us out here. Employees get to help out and attend TROOPERS for free!

We look forward to seeing you at TROOPERS!

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-05-01 23:59 (UTC).